Demon Slayer Has Never Been Cuter!
This highly popular anime series follows teenage Tanjiro Kamado, who, after a demon attack leaves his family slain and his sister cursed, embarks upon a perilous journey to find a cure and avenge those he's lost. Collect all your favourite Demon Slayer character as adorable Funko figurines! Mystery Mini characters are a surprise, so you'll never know who you're going to get. Collect them all!
About Funko
Headquartered in downtown Everett, WA, Funko are creators and innovators of pop culture products to a diverse range of consumers. Funko designs, sources and distributes highly collectible products across multiple categories including vinyl figures, action toys, plush, apparel, housewares, and accessories.
- Funko Mystery Minis stand 3" tall
- Demon Slayer S2 edition
- Vinyl figure
- Officially licensed
- Includes (1) Funko POP! 3" Mystery Mini, character ships assorted